Saturday, 8 May 2010

In Need Of A Holiday

Hi guys
So I go through this thing every now and then where I crave certain fruits which is actually really cool coz im trying to be healthy and stuff :). At the moment my fruit is passion fruit with honey, its like as good as chocolate well for me :D but I have been adicted to kiwi and Pears coz im cool aswell ;P
Today I went to our school fun run to raise money so that we can get loads of new books for the libary. You could run 2k or 4k but I did 2k because im lazy and so are most of my friends :) and we got a free t-shirt so thats always good.

I Need a Holiday (picture from enjoy)

Ruby :) x


  1. mmm fruit :) cool picture!
    thanks for the comment x

  2. i really need a holiday too!

    p.s i like that we have really similar urls!


  3. I'm drinking an innocent smoothie as we speak.. Its amaaaazing
    It would be mine

  4. congratulations on the run! i'm far too lazy for it if i'm honest :') and yeah, i need a holiday too... my mother keeps promising me one but i don't believe her.
    x x x x x
